Physicians are free to enter into contracts to provide special non-medical services and amenities with individual patients who are willing and able to pay additional costs out of pocket for such services. While such retainer contracts are one among many diverse models for delivering and paying for health care, they can also raise ethical concerns about access, quality, and continuity of care.
At the heart of medicine lie relationships founded in a “covenant of trust” between patient and physician in which physicians commit themselves to responding to the needs and promoting the welfare of patients.
Opinion 8.5Differences in treatment that are not directly related to differences in individual patients’ clinical needs or preferences constitute inappropriate variations in health care. Such variations may contribute to health outcomes that are considerably worse in marginalized populations. Physicians ethically are called on to provide the same quality of care to all patients without regard to medically irrelevant personal characteristics.
Opinion 11.1.4Physicians individually and collectively have an ethical responsibility to ensure that all persons have access to needed care regardless of their economic means.
Opinion 11.2.1Physicians should hold leaders accountable to meeting conditions for professionalism in health care systems. This includes advocating for changes in health care payment and delivery models to promote access to high quality care for all patients, recognizing that over-reliance on financial incentives may undermine physician professionalism.
Opinion 11.2.4Physicians have an obligation to inform patients about all appropriate treatment options, the risks and benefits of alternatives, and other information that may be pertinent, including the existence of payment models, financial incentives, formularies, guidelines, or other tools that influence treatment recommendations and care.