White Paper on Indian States (1950)/Part 5/Centrally Merged States/Manipur

121. Manipur is another border State which has great strategic importance. It is surrounded for the most part by tribal hill areas in Assam; on the east it is bounded by the tribal territories of Burma. The security arrangements of this area require the special attention of the Government of India and it was therefore decided to take it over for Central administration. The Instrument of Merger (Appendix XXXII) was signed by the Ruler on 21st September, 1949 and the administration was taken over by a Chief Commissioner on behalf of the Dominion Government on 15th October, 1949.


AGREEMENT made this twentyfirst day of September 1949 between the Governor General of India and His Highness the Maharaja of Manipur. WHEREAS in he best interests of the State of Manipur as well as of the Dominion of India it is desirable—to provide for the administration of the said State by or under the authority of the Dominion Government: IT IS HEREBY AGREED as follows:—

Article I

His Highness the Maharaja of Manipur hereby cedes to the Dominion Government full and exclusive authority, jurisdiction and powers for and in relation to the governance of the State and agrees to transfer the administration of the State to the Dominion Government on the fifteenth day of October 1949 (hereinafter referred to as "the said day"). As from the said day the Dominion Government will be competent to exercise the said powers, authority and jurisdiction in such manner and through such agency as it may think fit.

Article II

His Highness the Maharaja shall continue to enjoy the same personal rights, privileges, dignities, titles, authority over religious observances, customs, usages, rites and ceremonies and institutions incharge of the same in the State, which he would have enjoyed had this agreement not been made.

Article III

His Highness the Maharaja shall with effect from the said day be entitled to receive for his life-time from the revenues of the State annually for his Privy Purse the sum of Rupees three lakhs free of all taxes. This amount is intended to cover all the expenses of the Ruler and his family, including expenses on account of his personal staff and armed guards, maintenance of his residences, marriages and other ceremonies, etc. and the allowances to the Ruler's relations who on the date of execution of this agreement were in receipt of such allowances from the revenues of the State, and will neither be increased nor reduced for any reason whatsoever;

​ The Government of India undertake that the said sum of Rupees three lakhs shall be paid to His Highness the Maharaja in four equal instalments in advance at the beginning of each quarter from the State treasury or at such other treasury as may be specified by the Government of India.

Article IV

His Highness the Maharaja shall be entitled to the full ownership, use and enjoyment of all private properties (as distinct from State properties) belonging to him on the date of this agreement. His Highness the Maharaja will furnish to the Dominion Government before the first January 1950 an inventory of all the immovable property, securities and cash balance held by him as such private property. If any dispute arises as to whether any item of property is the private property of His Highness the Maharaja or State property, it shall be referred to a judicial Officer qualified to be appointed as a High Court Judge, and the decision of that officer shall be final and binding on both parties; Provided that His Highness the Maharaja's right to the use of the residences known as "Redlands" and "Les Chatalettes" in Shillong, and the property in the town of Gauhati known as "Manipuri Basti" shall not be questioned.

Article V

All the members of His Highness' family shall be entitled to all the personal rights, privileges, dignities and titles enjoyed by them whether within or outside the territories of the State, immediately before the 15th August 1947.

Article VI Article VII

No enquiry shall be made by or under the authority of the Government of India, and no proceedings shall lie in any Court in Manipur, against His Highness the Maharaja whether in a personal capacity or otherwise, in respect of anything done or omitted to be done by him or under his authority during the period of his administration of that State.

Article VIII Article IX

Except with the previous sanction of the Government of India no proceedings, civil or criminal, shall be instituted against any person in respect of any act done or purporting to be done in the execution of his duties as a servant of the State before the day on which the administration is made over to the Government of India. In confirmation whereof Mr. Vapal Pangunni Menon, Adviser to the Government of India in the Ministry of States, has appended his signature on behalf and with the authority of the Governor General of India and His Highness Maharaja Bodh Chandra Singh, Maharaja of Manipur has appended his signature on behalf of himself, his heirs and successors.

BODH CHANDRA SINGH, Maharaja of Manipur. V. P. MENON, Adviser to the Government of India, Ministry of States.