7 Proven Tips for an Attention-Grabbing Cover Letter (Examples)

7 Proven Tips for an Attention-Grabbing Cover Letter (Examples)

Hiring Managers see dozens of cover letters every single day. Most of them end up in the shredder. The standard "I want to work for you because I value your business and am qualified" doesn't work any more. Writing a creative cover letter, on the other hand, is what you need in order to land the job.

But how do you go about being creative in such an important document? Do you include charts, graphs, and drawings? Do you come up with an engaging story? Do you rewrite your resume in the form of a poem?

Don't worry, you don't have to go to such great lengths, but there are some tips that could be a game-changer for you. We're here to guide you through the process.

in this guide we'll teach you:

Before we dive into it, make sure your resume is flawless. Head over to our resume builder for expert help.

Why You Need a Creative Cover Letter

So, why do you need a creative cover letter? Hiring Managers get dozens of applications daily. Most candidates stick to the safe format of a brief one-page cover letter that talks about their motivation for wanting the job.

While this approach works, it ends up creating repetitive content. Think of having to read the same phrases over and over again on a daily basis. You definitely wouldn't enjoy it, and it won't help you distinguish between candidates. This is how Hiring Managers feel.

The best way to cut through the noise and beat the competition is to be different. Avoid clichés like:

These are some of the most abused phrases a cover letter could have, and Hiring Managers see them as unoriginal.

If you want to find out more of the clichés you have to stop using, check out 10 Cliché Cover Letter Lines to Stop Using Right Now.

When you put some creativity in your writing, however, you show the recruiter right away that you're willing to go the extra mile and truly think outside the box.

7 Tips for an Attention-Grabbing Cover Letter

Now let's get to the tips on how to write a creative cover letter.

1. Start by asking a question

Break the ice with a question instead of making the same old statement.